What to Expect

Concordia Lutheran Church welcomes all.  We have one Sunday morning service at 9:30 a.m. where we gather around the gifts of Word and Sacrament to receive life in the name of our Savior, Jesus. Most people dress nicer than usual for for service, but it is not uncommon to see patrons in jeans or casual clothing.

Worship - This services follow liturgies from the Lutheran Service Book, along with hymns, and contemporary worship songs.  Hymns are accompanied by the organ and contemporary songs are led by the praise band. Every Sunday we enjoy refreshments and fellowship following the service in the Narthex before the Sunday School hour.

Communion - It is our belief that those who partake of communion should share our confession of faith.  Therefore, communion is for members of the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod only.  If you would like to participate in communion and are not a member of the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod, please speak with the Pastor prior to service.

Child Care - Child care is available during services on Sunday mornings,  there are also bathrooms with changing tables available in the Narthex.

Connecting with Others - We ask that all our worshippers fill out a registration card and hand it in after the offering so we can keep track of who is with us.  Members at Concordia are notoriously friendly and look forward to meeting you.